
A collection of common utilities for distributed training. These are a bunch of wrappers over utilities from torch.distributed module, but they do not raise exceptions in absence of distributed training / CPU-only training, and fall back to sensible default behavior.

virtex.utils.distributed.launch(job_fn: Callable, num_machines: int = 1, num_gpus_per_machine: int = 1, machine_rank: int = 0, dist_url: str = 'tcp://', args=())[source]

Launch a job in a distributed fashion: given num_machines machines, each with num_gpus_per_machine GPUs, this utility will launch one process per GPU. This wrapper uses torch.multiprocessing.spawn().

The user has to launch one job on each machine, manually specifying a machine rank (incrementing integers from 0), this utility will adjust process ranks per machine. One process on machine_rank = 0 will be refered as the master process, and the IP + a free port on this machine will serve as the distributed process communication URL.

Default arguments imply one machine with one GPU, and communication URL as localhost.


This utility assumes same number of GPUs per machine with IDs as (0, 1, 2 ...). If you do not wish to use all GPUs on a machine, set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable (for example, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5,6, which restricts to GPU 5 and 6 and re-assigns their IDs to 0 and 1 in this job scope).

  • job_fn – A callable object to launch. Pass your main function doing training, validation etc. here.

  • num_machines – Number of machines, each with num_gpus_per_machine GPUs.

  • num_gpus_per_machine – Number of GPUs per machine, with IDs as (0, 1, 2 ...).

  • machine_rank – A manually specified rank of the machine, serves as a unique identifier and useful for assigning global ranks to processes.

  • dist_url – Disributed process communication URL as tcp://x.x.x.x:port. Set this as the IP (and a free port) of machine with rank 0.

  • args – Arguments to be passed to job_fn.

virtex.utils.distributed._job_worker(local_rank: int, job_fn: Callable, world_size: int, num_gpus_per_machine: int, machine_rank: int, dist_url: str, args: Tuple)[source]

Single distibuted process worker. This should never be used directly, only used by launch().

virtex.utils.distributed.synchronize() None[source]

Synchronize (barrier) all processes in a process group.

virtex.utils.distributed.get_world_size() int[source]

Return number of processes in the process group, each uses 1 GPU.

virtex.utils.distributed.get_rank() int[source]

Return rank of current process in the process group.

virtex.utils.distributed.is_master_process() bool[source]

Check whether current process is the master process. This check is useful to restrict logging and checkpointing to master process. It will always return True for single machine, single GPU execution.

virtex.utils.distributed.average_across_processes(t: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]])[source]

Averages a tensor, or a dict of tensors across all processes in a process group. Objects in all processes will finally have same mean value.


Nested dicts of tensors are not supported.


t – torch.Tensor or Dict[str, torch.Tensor] A tensor or dict of tensors to average across processes.

virtex.utils.distributed.gpu_mem_usage() int[source]

Return gpu memory usage (in megabytes). If not using GPU, return 0 without raising any exceptions.